
Date Download Url File Size Desc
2023-05-29 upgrade_altcoin_ltc_BluestarL1.tar.gz 16.99MB 1. Fixed config empty bug.
2023-05-06 upgrade_altcoin_ltc_BluestarL1.tar.gz 17MB
2023-04-02 upgrade_altcoin_ltc_BluestarL1_autoTune.tar.gz 19.4MB 1. Turn off the power supply to the hashboard when the network connection is lost.
2. Add an automatic voltage regulation mode to reduce power consumption by 5% to 10%.
3. Enable the batch tool to support the on/off reporting of the mining machine status.
4. Fix the bug in TM.
2023-02-20 BluestarL1-2MA.tar.gz 19.67MB Fix some bugs